June book A Can of Peas by Traci Depree
Book blurb After the death of his grandfather, Peter Morgan and his new bride, Mae, face a life-changing decision: should they embrace the career-chasing ambitions of their family and friends in St. Paul or accept the absurd challenge of saving the family farm in the Minnesota countryside? Enticed by the romance of a simple, quiet life, the Morgans set out to follow in the footsteps of Peter’s grandparents. Soon, Peter is farming around the clock, barely one step ahead of failure as Mae struggles to find her place in Peter’s life and in the community. Was it a mistake to dream?
How to participate Read the book on your own at your pace. Books are in the church library now and available for check-out. Come to the discussion to listen and talk as much as you like. We talk about the book some too. 🙂
Book Discussion
Join in for discussion Sunday, June 14 at 3pm at church. Everyone is welcome! Invite a friend