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Children’s Christian Education Kick-Off, Part 1


Children’s Christian Education classes for the 2013-2014 school year began September 8. The kids are starting the year with the book of Genesis, and learning about creation. The memory verse for September is from Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

To celebrate the first day of the new Sunday School year, the Deacons visited each classroom and delivered treats to the kids, youth, and adult classes. Everyone appreciated the donuts, fruit, juice, and milk.

The Children’s Christian Education program will continue to meet at 9:00 am each Sunday, now thru April. They begin with group singing in the sanctuary, followed by classroom time. Classes are available for all ages, including toddler/parent classes, Pre-K/Kindergarten, 1st thru 5th graders, 6th thru 8th grade middle school students, and 9th thru 12th grade high school students. The middle and high school students meet in their respective classrooms in the basement at 9:00 am. The adult class meets at 9:00 am in the basement conference room.

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