March 31, 2020
Compared to What?
He will be like a tree firmly planted by the streams of the water, which yields its fruit in its season...” Psalm 1:3
I have a 93-year old friend, who, up until a couple of years ago, was splitting his time between his ranch in Dubois, Wyoming and his home in St. Paul, Minnesota----summers and falls in the mountains, winters and springs in the land of 10,000 lakes. Still quick witted and remarkably alert, when asked the question: “How are you doing,” would often reply: “Compared to what?”
Isn’t it true that when we compare our current situations (social distancing and many hours of confinement to the home) to life a month ago when we were free to move about as we pleased, it seems like night and day. We all long for life to return to “normal.” But, at the same time, when this crisis passes, and it will pass, we will appreciate the comparison, because we will have been made that much stronger as individuals, families, and Christians. We will learn to love one another even more.
Prayer: Lord, every day let us pray for those who are suffering from the current health crisis. Lift those up who seek solutions to reduce the threat. Comfort us all as we support one another. Amen.