“Inside Out Sunday…loving our community” is scheduled for April 12.
“Inside Out Sunday”, sponsored by the Worship Committee, gives our congregation an opportunity to explore another form of stewardship – by sharing God’s love through serving others. It’s a chance for us to move our worship service from “inside” the sanctuary to “outside” throughout the community.
The Inside Out Planning Team met this week and established four project areas for our community. Details will be revealed at church this Sunday, March 29, along with opportunities for volunteers to sign-up.
Participants of all ages are welcome to volunteer! In addition to volunteer help, many supplies will be needed for these projects. Some of these include: Flower pots (6” or smaller; they do not need to be new) Flower Pot Trays Potting Soil Small rocks to line the bottoms of flower pots Flats of pansies Boxes to transport the potted plants Dozens of homemade cookies to deliver to neighborhoods Cases of bottled water for volunteers
More details will be coming. Please make plans to join us for this second annual event!
