Our worship service on June 23 included several special highlights.
The VBS Director and her daughters presented a cute skit during Children’s Sermon time to introduce us to this summer’s vacation bible school theme, “Kingdom Rock”. VBS at FPC will be held July 29 – Aug 2. Sign-up sheets for volunteer positions are in the narthex. Enrollment forms for the kids are available at the church or online. http://www.GroupVBSPro.com/VBS/EZ/FirstPres2
We celebrated the baptism of two young ladies during worship. Their family shared a specially decorated cake with us in Fellowship Hall to commemorate the occasion.
Fourteen youth members along with their sponsors will be traveling to Heifer Ranch in Arkansas this week for their annual mission trip. A commissioning ceremony for the group was held during worship service, concluding with the “Laying on of Hands”.
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